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It is Doing Goods’s responsibility to operate in accordance with fair, ethical, social and ecological business standards. Doing Goods wants to assure that all our products are made in goodconditions, respecting the environment and the well-being of all workers involved in the supplychain. We want to do this by minimizing negative social and environmental impacts and bymaximizing positive impacts and treat workers fairly and with respect, and by taking into accountenvironmental laws, international trade regulations and labour law safety provisions.


This Code of Conduct outlines the (minimum) standards of all business conduct and describes these principles and values, on behalf of Doing Goods. Compliance with the described standardsand requirements is one of the preconditions when working together with us. This applies for allproduction facilities, their suppliers, subcontractors and other third parties. We expect that ouragents, and each individual supplier respects the Code of Conduct. Suppliers are responsible to implement this code throughout the supply chain and ensure that all sub-suppliers comply with the terms & conditions of it.


This ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’ was drawn up in accordance with the ILO Conventions, theUniversal Human Rights Declaration, the BSCI principles and aligning the sustainability principles we highly value as a company.

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Entdecken Sie unsere brandneue Kollektion ‘Whispers of the Forest Land’!

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